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Black Cat • 3 years ago

A huge bird kidnaps you and takes you hostage. What will you do?
a. Fight the bird ❌
b. Escape the nest ❌
c. Form a cheerleading squad with it’s chicks βœ…

Jarl Qboyq • 3 years ago

To be fair if the bird wanted him dead he would've crushed him with his claws. So there is no real reason to do the first 2 options. Also a unique opportunity to play with giant birds.

DIO BRANDO • 3 years ago

awww we got a short lovestory for Aoba!!!!!

sasori's waifu • 2 years ago

LMAOOOO Guy and the chicks

Sappy • 2 years ago

Aoba's lovestory just started and ended like this 😭

Mr_knight • 3 months ago

Same like Kakashi

Jarl Qboyq • 3 years ago

Wow you can't take these guys anywhere without them murdering everyone.

Rance-sama • 1 year ago

I see that Umbrella corporation is doing well in Naruto universe.

Ooziy Kydd • 2 years ago

Wait wait why did Naruto have fangs during Sage Mode?? He wasn't using Kurama's power

ShoutinginaEmptyvalley • 1 year ago

That is why it is so important to watch fillers He is beginning to become open-minded to working with kurama And realising the power can't be stopped matter what. People who skip the fillings and then just like what the f*ck Decided to work together so easily.

Lord Grey • 2 years ago

Anything is possible in fillers hehe^_^

PS I don't know why the fangs are there too

AlfaRomzki23 • 2 years ago

Goosebump as always with that flute background music